
· $20.00 per week (20 weeks) - 1st week Free

· Complimentary league handicap

· League Dues: $70/per player ($140 per team)

· Dues returned as weekly flag events and year end awards (WLGC Gift Certificates)

· Includes year end party on Sept. 10th or 17th 

· Total $380/per player in two installments

· Due April 10th:  $190 + $70 Dues = $255/per

· Due June 11h: $190/per player 

· Golf Carts Optional - $8.00 per person weekly

· Golf Cart for Year - $138.00 each player (Save $14)

$70.00 per Golfer
1 to 2 Golfers 46
$260.00 per Golfer
1 to 2 Golfers 55
$450.00 per Golfer
1 to 2 Golfers 60
$190.00 for the entire registration
1 Golfer Unlimited